Before Fall of 2018, I didn't know the first thing about coding, but I knew that my goal was to create a positive impact on the world. During my time at UC Irvine, I was able to develop a deep passion for coding because it opened the door to endless paths for achieving this goal.

Some accomplishments in these past few years:

  • Competed in my first Hackathon
  • Found my passion for programming
  • Developed my first web application (TreatYoSelf Budgeting)
  • Raised $2000 to fly to Japan and teach a VBS
  • Hosted events for ISUCI, a club I am passionate about
  • Started undergraduate research in IOT and AI
  • Created a search engine for the UCI informatics directory
  • Canvassed to hundreds of people for Doctors without Borders
  • Landed my first tech gig

These are the things I want to convey that I can't fit on my resumé. For me, this is much more than a check list. It's a manifestation of my accomplishments and how I've grown these last 2 years.